About us!

We are Professional And Expert Property Contractor

PCM Group was founded in 2005. Our philosophy and focus when we started were to build a specialist property maintenance company that is committed to our client’s long term interests as well as any immediate solutions they may need.

The PCM Group is made up of highly skilled and qualified tradespeople and an in-house operations and admin team to ensure your job is completed quickly and efficiently. Equally as important as skills is our company culture; every member of our team, whether out in the field or at our head office, is approachable, courteous, helpful, and understands that a ‘can do’ and professional attitude is a big part of what defines your experience with us.

200+ Clients

Satisfaction Guaranteed


Projects Completed


Commercial Projects


Residential Projects


Happy Customers

Our Core Values

Flexible Schedule

We are ready to provide you with our service anywhere and anytime. We work 24/7 to ensure our quality services along with speed. We put our all efforts into making it the best experience for you.

Affordable Package

Get the best residential and commercial services at the most affordable prices. We offer various services ranging from renovation to cleaning. We customize the package according to the needs of the customers. All the services are provided with utmost sincerity and at competitive prices because we work to make you happy.

Special Offer

PCM Groups also provide the customers with special customizable packages where they can ask and remove any service. Our USP is that we work for the clients, as per their wants.

Our Mission

We strive to be the best service providers in New Zealand. Our goal is to offer all daily needs and basic necessities for each and every individual. We give all kinds of services- from Property Repair, cleaning, roofing to electrical work, plumbing etc. You name it and we are ready to serve you with our best quality work.

Our Vision

To empower millions of professionals by delivering basic services to every residential and commercial place in the country.

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Supporting Subheading

Yes we do. We have a wide range of ongoing ‘pre-programmed’ Maintenance Programs to suit your business. These programs range in frequency from weekly to monthly ongoing visits and range in length from one hour to a full day per visit, depending of course on your particular business needs.

No you don’t. Although we specialise exclusively in Property Maintenance, we offer everything from a one time only service call for something as small as changing a light bulb all the way through to a range of comprehensive ongoing Maintenance Programs.

No, there is no minimum period. Our programmed Maintenance Programs are designed to save you money and have flexibility incorporated into them. If, at any time, you feel you’d like to stop a maintenance program or would prefer a ‘call us as you need us’ style of arrangement, just let us know.

Yes. If, for example, you are currently on a maintenance program that has a frequency of a monthly visit for 4 hours per visit and you feel this is not enough or too much, you can, at anytime, upgrade to any of our programs that is more or less frequent. For example, you may wish to upgrade to a program that has two monthly visits with 4 hours per visit or possibly downsize to one monthly visit with 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours per visit. Whatever your particular needs are, we’ll have a program that is right for you and your business.

We can tailor a program to suit your exact needs. We will find the program that most closely matches your needs and then tailor that program until it is that the right fit for you and your business.

‘Ala-Carte’ maintenance is designed to be used as and when you need it. Whereas our programmed Maintenance Programs are designed for businesses that feel confident they will need a certain number of hours and frequency of visits over a pre-determined period of time. For example, your program may be 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours per visit and it may be weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly. The benefits of our programmed maintenance programs is that they save you money on your maintenance and they give you peace of mind knowing you don’t need to worry about any problems on site, we’ll be there to find it, fix it and in many cases prevent it to make sure you don’t have to worry about it and get on with running your business.

Why Choose us?

At APM, Property Maintenance is not an after thought, it’s what we are all about. The range and quality of work that we can handle as well as our ‘can-do’ attitude, truly sets us apart. When it comes to Property Maintenance, APM can handle your entire range of needs, no matter the size of the job.







Our Pricing

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Hourly Rates

Short-Term Packages

Talk with our team to see how our competitive hourly rates might best work for you.

Weekly Rates

Mid-Term Packages

For clients wanting services on a mid term basis, our weekly rates are for you. Chat to us today.

Monthly Rates

Long-Term Packages

If hourly, or weekly isn't enough, we offer long term packages covering a monthly period.